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Evidence Informed

Our research informs recommendations for our programs that would contribute to improved reintegration outcomes for everyone we serve.

Drawing from scholarly research in social-organizational psychology, developmental psychology, social work, leadership development, and related fields, we’re on the journey to track down answers to questions related to military identity, social reintegration, and women veteran’s health.


Our research interests below represent a starting point, check back in as we post our published works:

Research Interests


What factors contribute to successful social reintegration for military members?

Length of Service & Loss

How does length of service influence the perception of loss following discharge from the military?


What are the effects of a professional development intervention focused on identity, purpose, and connection on employed military veterans?

Women Veterans

To what extent do women veterans who are years beyond their military service continue to experience adverse effects of military service and reintegration difficulties?

Women Veterans

How does social identity threat-related behaviors limit the experience of belonging in the workplace experienced by women veterans, especially in male dominated careers?

Measured Outcomes

In addition to the basic elements of program evaluation, we aspire to develop a conceptual model of impact for our programs, and look to follow participants as they navigate life.

Job retention rates

Employee engagement

Performance ratings

Pursuit of further education or skills development

Enrollment in other military veteran nonprofit programs

Military-Civilian Adjustment & Reintegration Measure (M-CARM)

Social Identity Index

Social Connectedness Scale

Mental Health Treatment Seeking

WHO Quality of Life Scale

Adoption of health-related behaviors (e.g., diet change, exercise, etc.)




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